Monday, January 30, 2006

Chlamydia Catching On The Quay

Bored of catching gillies? Not even sure what a gilly is?

Well, gillies are little crabs. They march inshore with the tide and back out again when the tide's receding. It's a favoured pastime to sit on the quay wall, dangling little bits of munchy stuff over the side and dragging the gillies back up to be kept in a bucket of seawater until everyone's bored of watching the big ones try to eat the little ones. It's a big crowd-puller, believe us!

And yes, that's right: Every year, at Wells Carnival, everyone catches crabs.

Spurred on by this revelation, last year we proudly held the first ever Chlamydia Catching competition on the quay. The event was, of course, adults only, and to avoid putting people in French's off their battered sausage we hired this handy marquee from Handy Marquees Ltd in which we hosted the entire event. Perhaps you saw us? If not, don't miss next year's, sponsored by Pfizer who kindly provide free antibiotics for all the winners!

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